We all know regular exercise is beneficial for overall health and living longer. Did you also know regular physical activity can boost memory and thinking skills? Several studies have indicated parts of the brain that control thinking and memory are larger in volume in people who exercise than in people who don’t. Studies have also […]
Caregiver knowledge
Post Hospital Care
We may find ourselves, as caregivers, needing to find an out-of-home placement for our loved one following a hospital stay. We need to know how Medicare covers this skilled care or long-term (custodial) care depending on the need. Medicare does cover 100 days of skilled care if every day is medically necessary. Rarely do skilled […]
Thoughts on caregiving
The learning curve for a caregiver doesn’t mean pursuing perfect. In fact, I’m not even sure that perfect and caregiving can be used in the same sentence! As a caregiver, we learn early that growth in knowledge and ability usually comes with bumps and even road blocks. It’s easy to get discouraged when things don’t […]
Being a family caregiver is not a job any of us sought – and probably never, ever considered the fact that this would become a part of our lives. Our goal is to keep our sense of self and that’s how we will survive. Doing a job well gives us a sense of satisfaction and […]
Quick Solution to Common Oximeter Trouble
One of the things we discovered during wheels’ many trips in to the doctors office was the long wait for the oxsimiter to read the o2 levels. The nurse would clip the sensor to his finger and get an error. The issue was simply cold finger tips. To read correctly, the finger has to be […]
The Ladybug Started It
I was on my way home from a grocery run, when I saw it. A garage sale sign! A sharp right and an open parking spot – and twenty minutes before the next in-home appointment. As I walked up the driveway I spotted a basket full of stuffed toys. Not something I usually buy at […]
A general rule of thumb is to be aware of where you naturally reach out for something to hold onto as you step in and leave the shower. You are most vulnerable when you step over the lip of the shower, or over the side of the tub. There is often a stud right at […]