Let us help YOU by sharing what WE learned the hard way! Becoming a family caregiver often is unexpected. There is no warning, no way to plan ahead and no time to learn. You are busy trying to figure things out on the fly, like where to we find a wheelchair, where do we buy this, how do we do” that”, whatever the “that” is for the day. We’ve been there. Our loved one was diagnosed with a disease that no one knew about – except how to diagnose it. He stopped walking overnight three years later. He stopped speaking. He couldn’t adapt so we had to.
Let us lighten the load! Caregiver stress is real. . . . . with not enough information, being responsible for legal issues, medical information and treatment, supplies, daily chores of living, cleaning, cooking. . . realizing you will have to change or give up the plans you had for your life. Our blog posts are intended to bring pertinent information, to help you find time for your self. to reduce the uncertainty and loneliness. Check out our private forum where you can share what you’ve learned and what problems you are facing. . . it takes a community.
We’ve gathered information in one place so you don’t have to wonder. . . . How do I organize all this paperwork? What paper work do I need? Where do I even begin to find information? The doctor said get affairs in order – what does that mean? How is this going to work financially? Where can I find information? What if my boss won’t let me have time off? What does insurance cover? So many questions and no time to look for answers even if you know where to look. Sooooo
We’ve built a library for you _____________________________________
Our mission: Everything caregivers need to know . . . but we didn’t.
We want to provide caregiver knowledge so you can focus your time and energy on doing instead of worrying and wondering. We promise to deliver information in bite –sized pieces that take 5-10 minutes to read because caregivers don’t have “extra” time. We’ll provide opportunities for understanding your Loved One, essential learning on topics crucial to caregiving, self-care, a forum to share your questions and wins and a little bit of fun! Looking forward to your visit!!!