Your viewpoint on life can affect your physical and mental health as well as your emotions. It can raise or lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, and stress levels. If you feel negative about everything, then things usually become more difficult. You can get sick easily, find it difficult to face adversities and hardships in life. […]
Good Morning Questions to Ask Yourself
Voltaire says, “Judge someone by their questions, rather than by their answers.” In other words, the right kind of questions are those that expand your thinking. They make you reflect on how to be better and do better. They can also help determine the quality of your day — something especially important for caregivers! . […]
Are These Bad Habits Draining Your Energy
Habit 1 – Not allowing “wind down time” before sleep When you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you feel completely drained of energy the next day, making it hard to focus and be productive. Sometimes the “no sleep” is related to our person’s sleep and we’ll talk about that elsewhere. But let’s assume that […]
Cat Naps for Self Care
It is true that taking naps in the middle of the day can negatively affect your sleep, and when you don’t get good sleep at night, your energy is depleted the next day. This vicious cycle can be avoided by switching to micro naps, which are much shorter and won’t give you all that grogginess […]
Celebrate Small Wins
Staying motivated can be challenging, especially when you are in routine caregiver mode . The key to sustainable motivation is about recognizing and celebrating the small wins along the way. These little victories build momentum, boost confidence, and keep you focused. When you acknowledge the positives, no matter how small, it creates a feedback loop […]